

Zhang Xin’an





    PhD, Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
    Associate Editor, Journal of Managerial Psychology
    Associate Editor, Journal of Personnel Psychology




    Managerial Psychology, Indigenous Psychology, Leadership, Teamwork



    1. Zhang, X. A., Liao, H. Y., Li, N., Colbert, A. (forthcoming) Playing it safe for my family: The dual effect of family motivation on employee productivity and creativity. Academy of Management Journal.

    2. Zhao, H. H., Li, N., Harris, T. B., Rosen, C. C., & Zhang, X. (forthcoming). Informational advantages in social networks: The core-periphery divide in peer performance ratings. Journal of Applied Psychology.

    3. Kelemen, T. K., Matthews, S. H., Zhang, X. A., Bradley, B. H., & Liu, H. (2020). When does gender diversity enhance team performance? The dual need for visionary leadership and team tenure. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 50(9): 501-511.

    4. van Dick, R., Crawshaw, J. Karpf, S., Schuh, S., & Zhang, X. A. (2020). Identity, importance, and their roles in how corporate social responsibility affects workplace attitudes and behavior. Journal of Business and Psychology 35(2): 159-169.

    5. Zhang, X. A., Zhou, Ke, (2019) Close Relationship with the Supervisor May Impede Employee Creativity by Suppressing Vertical Task Conflict. R & D Management. 49(5): 789-802.

    6. Zhang, X. A., Wang W. S. (2019). Face consciousness and conspicuous luxury consumption in China. Journal of Contemporary Marketing Science. 2(1): 63-82.

    7. Wang, W., Zhang, X. A., Li, J., & Sun, G. (2019). Approach or avoidance? The dual role of face in fashion consumption. Journal of Global Marketing. 33: 103-124

    8. Zhang, X. A., Liu, H., Shi, Y., & Tjosvold, D. (2019). Conflict management for co‐ordination between shift teams in Shanghai subway stations. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources. 57(4), 399-417. 

    9. Wang, L., Wei, F., & Zhang, X. A. (2019).Why does energy-saving behavior rise and fall? A study on consumer face consciousness in the Chinese context. Journal of Business Ethics. 160(2), 499-513.

    10. van Dick, R., Lemoine, J. E., Steffens, N. K., Kerschreiter, R., Akfirat, S., Avanzi, L., ... Zhang, Xin-an., & Gonzales, R. (2018). Identity leadership going global: validation of the Identity Leadership Inventory (ILI) across 20 Countries. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 91: 697-728.

    11. Schuh, S., Xin-an Zhang, Morgeson, F. P., Tian, P., & van Dick, R. (2018). Are you really doing good things in your boss’s eyes? Interactive effects of innovative work behavior and LMX on supervisor ratings of job performance, Human Resource Management. 57: 397-409.

    12. Huang, L. J., Cropanzano, R., Li, A., Shao, P., Xin-an Zhang, & Li, Y. (2017). Employee conscientiousness, agreeableness, and supervisor justice rule compliance: A three-study investigation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(11): 1564-1589.

    13. Zhang, Xin-an (2016). Guanxi. In Steven G. Rogelberg (Eds.) Sage encyclopedia of industrial and organizational psychology (2nd edition), Sage Publications.

    14. Zhang, Xin-an, Li, N., Ullrich, J., van Dick, R. (2015) Getting everyone on board: The effect of CEO differentiated transformational leadership on top management team effectiveness and subsidiary firm performance, Journal of Management, 41(7): 1898-1933. 

    15. Chiaburu, D., Li, N., Stoverink, A., Xin-an Zhang (2015) Extraverts engage in more interpersonal citizenship when motivated to impression manage: Getting along to get ahead?, Journal of Management, 41(7): 2004-2031. 

    16. Huang, L. J., Chiaburu, D., Xin-an Zhang, Li, N., Grandey, A. (2015) Rising to the challenge: Deep acting is more beneficial when tasks are appraised as challenging, Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(5): 1398-1408.

    17. Li, N., Zhao, H., Walter, S., Xin-an Zhang, & Yu, J. (2015) Achieving more with less: Extra milers' behavioral influences in teams. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(4): 1025-1039.

    18. Zhang, Xin-an, Li, N., Harris, B. (2015) Putting non-work ties to work: The case of guanxi in supervisor-subordinate relationships, Leadership Quarterly, 26(1): 37-54. 

    19. Harris, T., Li, N., Boswell, W., Xin-an Zhang, Xie, Z. (2014) Getting what's new from newcomers: Empowering leadership, creativity, and adjustment in the socialization context, Personnel Psychology, 67(3): 567–604.

    20. Schuh, S., Xin-an Zhang, Tian, P. (2013) For the good or the bad? Interactive effects of transformational leadership with moral and authoritarian leadership behaviors. Journal of Business Ethics, 116(3): 629-640. 

    21. 张新安 (2012) 中国人的面子观与炫耀性奢侈品消费行为, 营销科学学报, 8(1): 75-93. 

    22. Schuh, S., Xin-an Zhang, Egold, N., Graf, M., van Dick, R. (2012) Leader and follower organizational identification: The mediating role of leader behaviour and implications for follower OCB, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 85(2): 421-432. 

    23. Zhang, Xin-an, Cao, Q., Tjosvold, D. (2011) Linking transformational leadership and team performance: A conflict management approach, Journal of Management Studies, 48(7): 1586-1611. 

    24. Zhang, X. A., Tian, P., & Grigoriou, N. (2011). Gain face, but lose happiness? It depends on how much money you have. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 14(2), 112-125.

    25. Zhang, Xin-an, Cao, Q., Grigoriou, N. (2011) Consciousness of social face: The development and validation of a scale measuring desire to gain face versus fear of losing face. Journal of Social Psychology, 151(2): 129-149. 

    26. 张新安, 厉杰, 马源 (2010) 消费者的面子观对身份消费行为的影响:人际影响敏感度的中介作用, 营销科学学报, 4, 14-28. 

    27. 张新安 (2010) 中国消费者的顾客价值感知机制:对手机消费者的实证研究, 管理世界, 1, 107-121. 

    28. Zhang, X. A., & Cao, Q. (2010). For whom can money buy subjective well-being? The role of face consciousness. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 29(3), 322-346.

    29. 张新安, 何惠, 顾锋 (2009). 家长式领导对于团队绩效的影响:冲突管理方式的中介作用, 管理世界, 3: 115-133.



    1. Managerial Decision-Making and Statistics (EMBA)

    2. Psychology and Decision-Making (MBA)

    3. Statistics (MBA / undergraduate)

    4. Managerial Psychology (undergraduate)